Friday, September 30, 2011

Frazier museum chooses Bandy Carroll Hellige as it agency of record - San Francisco Business Times:
Previously, the museum had no single agenctyof record, with several Louisville advertising firms handling the work, said Kristaw McHone, public relations and marketing director for the “I just decided to consolidate all that with Bandy Carrol Hellige,” McHone said. Bandy Carroll Hellig will develop and implement all including branding, marketing, advertising, public relations and interactivd programs for the museum, the release said. The Frazie museum, 829 W. Main St., was founded in 2004 by OwsleyBrowb Frazier, the retired vice chairman of , the Louisville-basee spirits and wine company.
The museumm has about 100,000 square feet of antique arms andhistorical items, many of which are from Frazier’e private collection. Bandy Carroll Hellige was foundeds in 1989 by partnersSusann Bandy, Mark Carroll and Tim Hellige and has a total of 44 employeews at its headquarters in Louisville, Ky. and an office in according tothe release.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Intel to buy Wind River for $884M - Nashville Business Journal:
Intel's $11.50-per-share offer is abougt a 44 percent premium overWind River'sx closing price on Wednesday of $8. Wind Riverr stock lost more than half its valuw betweena 52-week high of $12.99 last August and a low of $5.61 in March. The stock closed Thursdayu at $11.72, up 47 Santa Clara-based Intel said buying Alameda-based Wind River (NASDAQ:WIND) will help it expands its software into thousands of embedded systema and mobile devices includinghsmart phones, in-car "info-tainment" systems, aerospace and energy and thousands of othere uses.
Wind River will operate as a whollg owned subsidiary after the deal closew duringthe summer, reporting to Reneer James, head of Intel’w software and services group. "Our combination of strengths will be of great benefit toWind River’s existing and futuree customers," said Ken Klein, Wind River president and CEO. Founded in Wind River has morethan 1,600 employeew and operations in more than 15 countries. During its fiscaol year ended Jan. 31, Wind River reportex $10.7 million in net incomer on annual revenueof $359.7 The company on Thursday posted a 21 percent increase in net incomer $561,000, or 1 cent a share, for its first quartee despite a 6.
5 percent drop in revenue to $63.87 million.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Emergent BioSolutions anthrax vaccine gets boost - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The Rockville-based company’s BioThrax has been granted a shelfv life extension from the from its current three yearesto four. Under its contract with the Departmengt of Health and Human the extension triggers a milestone paymentof $30 milliomn for doses of the vaccine already deliveredc to the Strategic Nationaol Stockpile. Emergent expects to record that payment as revenurethis quarter. The shelf life extensiohn also allows Emergent to charge more for future dose of the vaccine delivered tothe government’s That could raise the value of the contracf to as much as $405 million over the next several years. Last year, the FDA approvex a reduced vaccination schedule tofive doses.
Emergent continues researcn that could lead to a furthe reduction in the number ofdoses required, as well as the vaccine’ use to treat patients afte being exposed to Anthrax, not just as a pre-exposuree vaccine. Emergent has supplied the government’s stockpiled with 33 million doses of BioThra xso far. It is contracted to continus adding to stockpiles throughlate 2011. BioThrax has been used to vaccinatde more than 2 million military personnel sincer the government first started buying the vaccinsein 1998. Emergent stock EBS) was up 90 cents to $14.63 per sharwe in afternoon trading.

Friday, September 23, 2011

6 promoted in Parsippany Police Department -

6 promoted in Parsippany Police Department

He was hired in July 1989 and assigned to the Patrol Division after having served as a police officer in the Elizabeth for three years. Pantina, whose current assignment is with the Patrol Division as a shift commander, attended Union County College ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Distressed assets taking center stage among apartment investors - San Antonio Business Journal:
Now, buyers are looking for something a bit Of the handful of investment opportunitiew that exist in the localapartmentt market, those assets moving to the top of list these days are the so-callex distressed assets, industry brokers say. the cream of that crop are bank-owned or REO (real estate owned) assets — foreclosed properties that have gone back to the Also falling intothe “distressed” category are apartment propertieds put on the market due to the owners’ financial dire straits. Phoenix and Miami have seen a deluge of REO deals over the past 18 according toCasey Fry, an associate with the San Antonio/Austih office of Atlanta-based (ARA).
The firsty wave of these properties have now surfacedf in San Antonio as Fry says. The city’s relativelgy stable economy makes it unlikelty that the local market will see as many of thesde REOs and distressed property sales as other but as Frypoints out: “There will be more to While transaction velocity in San Antonio has slowed considerably over the past two there is the likelihood that more apartment communitiesd will come to market — as more ownerse find themselves needing to adds Will Balthrope, a member of the Balthroper Group of the . Balthrope’ws partner is Ryan who is based inSan Antonio. Balthrope’s office is locatedf in Dallas.
Looking back over the past year athis team’sz property assignments — including those that have alreadty changed ownership, as well as those still for sale about 90 percent of these propertiexs were being sold by owneres who had found themselves in financial Or as Balthrope puts it, these were ownersz who had “compelling reasons to sell.” What’a the attraction of distressed assets? Sums up “The opportunity to profit in a time of value Words like “distressed” and “REO” are like big signs on the asseg that say, “Come look at me!” Balthrope says.
And for every owner that has a compellingg reasonto sell, there are myriad buyers anxiously waiting to take advantage of a good observes Patton K. Jones, managinbg director of ARA’s Austinn office. So who are the buyersw now? According to Jones, it’s all privatwe money these days — or what he calls “country club “The institutional investors are gone,” says Jones, adding that most of these playera — names like and — have fallen on tough financial “Now it’s the private investorse who are going to their country to their friends and family andraising equity.
” It’s a lot of new blood coming in, Fry “The buyers out there, they are not on our regulart Rolodex,” he adds.

Monday, September 19, 2011

UTMB receives cardiology training endowment - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Dr. John C. Price created the Melvij L. Price M.D. and Charlezs A. Price D.D.S. Endowment for Cardiologyg Fellowship Training to supportyoung doctors’ educatiohn as they learn the nuances of treating hearrt disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. Price’xs brothers both died of cardiovascular Price said he wanted to establishj the endowment to ensure that UTMB can train more cardiologists who will be skilled at helping patients with heart problemes makefull recoveries. The valus of the endowment wasnot disclosed.
“Thee twin goals are to provide more effective therapyu for those with heart diseasr and to encourage early identification of individuals at risk for subsequentg intervention to modify and ultimatelu prevent the morbidity of cardiacf andvascular disease,” said Price, a head and neck surgeon. In additiojn to his recent endowment, Price has contributed to cardiologyh research at the university to aid the development of new treatments and procedures that reducr functional impairment and death fromcardiovascular disease.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Gas prices creep up - South Florida Business Journal:
The national average price of a gallon of gas was up by just threed cents compared to theprevious week. in Florida it was up by five cents a gallonto $2.71. Just a month ago the average price of a gallon of regularf in Floridawas $2.40. The average pricew was $2.77 in both Fort Lauderdale and In WestPalm Beach, a gallon of regular unleadexd is going for $2.80. The good news is that gasolinw futures are going down because the Department of Energg reported a surplus of fuel and demandis weak, noted Gregg Laskoski, managing director of publix relations for AAA Auto Club South.
On the flip “as we saw last the price at thepump doesn’t always reflect suppl y and demand fundamentals,” he said. Laskoskio added that while prices may plateaiu in comingweeks “nobody can accurately predic t when the value of the U.S. dollar will increased or decrease; but we do know that when it decreasezs crude oil and gasoline prices usually go up no mattefr how favorable the supply and demand figures may he said.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Academic Team honoree: Meredith Stone - Business First of Buffalo:
Accomplishments: National Merit Scholarship SAT scoreof 1,570. Perfect score on thres Regents exams. AP Scholar Award (with Science Award. President of Quiz Full name: Meredith Laura Stone. Born: October 9, Buffalo. Parents: Eileen Stone, Jeffrey Stone. Residence: Granxd Island. Favorite class: European History (Donnq Seymour). “Mrs. Seymour tied togethed overwhelming amounts of information and made it all Hers was my firstAP class, and I believee that it pushed me, and I grew as a College and likely major: , Hope to be doing 10 years from now: “Ik hope to be working at as a and raising a family in the Buffalo If could meet anyone from history: Queenm Elizabeth I.
“I would like to know how she dealft with the pressures that came with being a woman in If could have dinner with anyone now Anna Quindlen. “She is a thoughtfulp and interesting person. I love readinb her columns, and I think that she would have a unique perspective on the issues of the to proceed to the next First Team Mary Stottele.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New child cancer drug tests successful - Houston Business Journal:
The drug, AMD3100, was shown to reduced the growth of a tumor by more than 75 percentin mice, according to investigators who presented their findingz Friday at the 22nd annual meeting of the in San “AMD3100 works by shutting down the process that tumors need to set up vasculae systems,” Patrick Zweidler-McKay, senior investigator on the study, said in a “The drug doesn’t kill neuroblastoma cells but it prevents tumorx from growing rapidly by disrupting their blood “There is the possibilityu that this therapy coulrd help prevent neuroblastoma metastasi to the bone However, more studies are needed to investigate this theory.
” Abou t 650 children in the United States unde r the age of five are diagnosedf each year with neuroblastoma, according to the . Of those nearly two-thirds are diagnosed after the cancer has metastasizee to other parts ofthe body. For thesew patients with high-risk neuroblastoma, long-termm survival is less than 40 percent because the tumors are often resistant to traditional chemotherapy.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Facebook, VCs give 18 developers seed money - Boston Business Journal:
The companies were chosen from more than 400 developers and entrepreneursa from around the world who applied in a competitionj sponsoredby Facebook, and . The two venture fundz will invest morethan $500,000 into the companiesz in exchange for equity. Two non-profits that will not get fundingv were also chosen to participates in the incubator which will be run by Dave McClure ofFounderd Fund. The incubator program will operate out of oneof Facebook’sw Palo Alto offices from mid-Jund to the end of August, at which poinr all of the startups will present to Silicon Valleu angel and venture capital investors.
According to Facebook's Web site, the companied and nonprofits selected include: : Find friends of friends to date...orf play matchmaker! If you're single, you can search your friends' friends and ask for intros. If you'rd taken, you can set friendws up. Friends of friends are the best peoplseto date. It's social dating via friendly intros. : Funji is an avatar-based social networkint app for the iPhone and iPod satisfying users' desire to express themselves and communicatr with others in a fun, creativ way. The team has more than five years of experiencw in the mobile market in both South Korea andthe US.
: Gameyolwa is a distribution and monetization platform for casualFlasj games. Flash games currently monetize but Gameyola solves this problem by providinyg Flash developers tools to sell virtual goods and to acquirre users throughsocial channels. (private From keeping track of your kids to protectintg your identity and getting back your lost Life360 is the place you go to keep yourfamily secure, and prepared for dailyh life. : Churches create their own social networks on They extend their community between Sundays with toolss to connect and engagdetheir members. Over 30,000 church congregation are representedon
Navify is a visual encyclopedia that combines Wikipediz articleswith images, videos, and comments. It is the only genera l encyclopedia that allows you to listen tomusicf videos, watch movie and browse news and celebrityu photo galleries. : Simplify the way you manage Facebooik and othersocial networks. NutshellMail consolidatesw activity from all your accounts into a single email digestr delivered onyour schedule. Don't let emaip alerts clutter your inbox. Get not interrupted. Get the Nut!
: Bringf your blog to Facebook, and Facebook to your Pull your Feed to your profils andbusiness pages, add widgetx to promote your network, and read the news from blogsz you follow on the largest community of bloggers and blog loverw on Facebook. : Paradise Paintbalkl is the first game developedon Cmune'sz next-generation social gaming platform. It is the first 3D multiplayer FPS gameon Facebook, Apple Dashboard, and Mac and PC. Play with up to eightf friends and buy virtual items to enhancethe gameplay. : Photos I Like is a digitapl media sharing and discovery site emphasizing lightweighftsocial content, self-expression, and communities.
: Combiness the success of residengt referral programs with the power ofsocial networks. Residents refer their community to friends through socialk networkslike Facebook, and emaipl to earn rewards and live with friends. : RUNmyERRANe is a social networking inspired web and mobils marketplace that provides people and businesses an easy and trusteds way to get everyday taskss done in their ownhyperlocal community. : RunTherre is a social-networking service for runnerseand cyclists.
Users can map and measure their favoriteroutes (no GPS keep a running/biking log, and find athletes and routesd nearby Sortuv: Sortuv lets you start with somethinv you like, and discover Instead of searching for a "greatt restaurant" just say what you mean: "Find me a place sortug like Spago in Check them out , , and . / : Trave l Brain by GeckoGo helps youtracki (and show off!) your share experiences with others, and discover new placezs to visit. Learn from the knowledgde of over 600,000 travelers, and get experty guide info from their Bradt Travel Guides Weardrobe (private beta): Weardrobde is a fashion-focused community for discovering different ways to wear clothing.
Weardrobe provides a platform for peopls to share reviews of theifown clothing, post photos of their catalog their closet and search for stylwe inspiration. : Workstir is a community that connects users with trustworthuy localservice providers. Anyone can post a job and choose a providerr with confidence by browsinb theirpast reviews. For businesses, Workstir provides a wealth of jobs in their areaof expertise. Worldly Developments (private beta): Worldly Developments is building onlinr services that will help you connect with the places and events in yourlocal community. Its firsyt product makes it a snapto promote, and communicate arounds group activities.
: Sama is Sanskrit for – Samasource finds and trains reliable QA professionales to test Facebook apps witha user-friendl y interface that lives on Facebook Platform. With Samasource, developersa lower costs, reduce poverty, and improve their applications. Vittana: Vittana enables you to lend directl y to students in thedeveloping $25 at a time. Their missiomn is to bring student loans to the developing world through the powerof person-to-person microlending.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Most Powerful Women In The BRICs - Forbes

The Most Powerful Women In The BRICs


As a result, out of the 100 Most Powerful Women in the World there's only two Brazilians, three Chinese and three Indians, with Russian women failing to make the list. รข€œThe fact that Russian women are not recognized worldwide as powerful leaders ...

Forbes List of 100 Most Powerful Women Includes Leaders from Nonprofit Sector

The Nonprofit Quarterly (blog)

Ladies That Know How To Lead: Redefining Success For Women

Business 2 Community


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Report: Texas health premiums skyrocketed this decade - Triangle Business Journal:
The Status Quo Report includes state-by-stated data on health-care cost and quality, including the increas e in premiums, as well as the percentagde of state residents without insurance and overalpquality ratings. The report is part the Obama Administration' push to pass health-care reform legislation. Abouy 12 million Texans get health insurancs onthe job, and the average familg premium runs about $13,525 annually. According to the 17 percent of middle-income Texas familiee spend more than 10 percent of their income on healthcare. About 20 percent of peoplee in Texas report not visitiny a doctor due tohigh costs.
Texas businessezs and families shoulder a hidden healthy tax ofroughly $1,800 per year on premiumzs as a direct result of subsidizing the costsz of the uninsured. 25 percent of people in Texas are uninsured and 75 percent of them are in familied with at leastone full-timr worker. The percent of Texans with employer coverageis declining: from 57 to 50 percent between 2000 and 2007. At a prese conference Monday morning to announces his choicefor U.S. Surgeon Obama reiterated his administration's commitment to passing healthcarw reformlegislation quickly, saying the problem is too great to allow it to go on. On a relate note, Obama has chosen Dr.
Reginaz Benjamin, an Alabama physician and graduate of the University of Alabamaat Birmingham's school of for surgeon general. He said Benjamin is uniquelyh qualified for the position and is the right personn to leadthe nation's healthcare system at a criticakl time of change.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

NLL to hold dispersal draft of Blazers roster - TSN


NLL to hold dispersal draft of Blazers roster


The National Lacrosse League announced Friday that it will be holding a dispersal draft of the Boston Blazers roster. The four-round draft will be held on Sept. 9, with the draft order being determined by the league's 2011 over »

Friday, September 2, 2011

Some 375,000 turn out for Penguins victory parade in Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Captain Sidney Crosby thanked the crowd for its supporft throughout a season that had a rocky start forthe "You deserve to be calles the city of Crosby said. "You deserve the Stanley Penguins' forward Max Talbot, who scored both goals in Game 7 of the Stanleyy Cup Finals to defeat the Detriot RedWing 2-1 on Friday, got out of the car he was travelin g in to high-five some fans along the parade route. According to Pittsburgj police, the estimated attendance for the paradewas which, if correct, would mean a largere turnout than for the Superbowlo parade. Police registered two arresta duringthe parade, one for disorderly conduct and one for salee of T-shirts without a license.
A few peoplse were treated for dehydration; temperatures hoverefd near 80 degrees duringthe parade. Policr expected streets closed during the parade to be reopened to rush hour traffidclater Monday. Check out our photo slideshoewfrom Monday's parade. All photos by Pittsburgh Businesxs Times photographerJoe Wojcik.