Sunday, July 29, 2012

Manpower: Employers struggling to find qualified job candidates - Washington Business Journal:
The employment services company (NYSE: MAN) says 30 percenft of employers worldwide are struggling to find qualifieds job candidates especiallyskilled tradespeople, sales representativews and technicians. Manpower surveyed nearly 39,000 employers across 33 countries and territoriee togauge employers' ability to find the talenyt they need. The 10 hardest jobs to fill, as reported by U.S. employersd in 2009, are: Even with unemployment at or near recorx levels inmany communities, Manpower'ds research highlights the problem many employers are having findingh individuals with the right combinatioh of job-specific skills, experience, trainin and soft skills.
"Ibn the four years we have performedthis research, the same positions appear on the list again and said Jonas Prising, Manpower's president of the "Despite the current economic instabilitgy and high unemployment, there are stil l skills that the U.S. workforced seems to lack." The U.S. findings are part of a Manpower global study that surveyed morethan 39,000 employersa across 33 countries and territories in Januart 2009. Positions in the skilled sales, technical work and engineering remain the most difficulyt for employers tofill globally. Manpowere surveyed more than 2,000 U.S.
employers in the fourthy annual survey to determine which positions employerw are having difficulty fillingthis year.

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