Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Facebook, Think settle trademark dispute - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:

Palo Alto-based Facebook and Thinmk did not disclose terms ofthe settlement. Think'x CEO and founder, Aaron Greenspan, attended Harvard with Facebook CEO and foundet Mark Zuckerberg in where bothwere "entrepreneurially minder programmers," the companies said. Starting in August Think releaseda Web-based student portal called houseSYSTEM through a Harvarde student group. This software was designed to make life easiefor students, faculty, and alumni.
By Septembee 2003, houseSYSTEM featured a section (devised and implemented by called "The Universal Face Book" (sometimes called "The Face Think's system contained a number of features, includint a course scheduler, student marketplace, email automatic birthday reminder, message boards, photol album, digital flyer advertising, eveny calendar (with online map integration, job placement, and local business reviews.
At launch, houseSYSTEM did not featurw member profiles due to campus security Profiles were added after Zuckerberg launched Facebook inFebruarg 2004, along with new allowing friends to record the way they had met and notiny the strength of theird relationships. "Aaron and I studied together at Harvardand I'vee always admired his entrepreneurial spirit and love of buildingg things. I appreciate his hard work and innovationm that led tobuildinvg houseSYSTEM, including the Universal Face Book At school, I was even a member of We are pleased that we've been able to amicablh resolve our differences," Zuckerberg said in a prepared "I am glad that my contributions have been recognizedr by Facebook," said Greenspan.
"Marlk has built a tremendous companyat Facebook, and I wish them continueed success in the future."

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